Note: If you turn off Voice Match for individual devices within a home, your voice and face patterns will still be available in the home. Data associated with their Nest devices and the home may be permanently deleted, including video history footage and thermostat settings. If the member you remove from the home migrated their Nest Account and Nest devices (such as cameras and thermostats) to a Google Account, those devices may be removed from the home.They no longer have access to Nest Aware features, including video history.These devices are no longer linked to the home member you removed.Įxception: Nest Hub Max might get removed and video history footage could be deleted. Assistant devices such as speakers and displays, including those set up by the removed member, should remain in your home.They no longer have access to the devices or services in the home, and their account is no longer linked to the devices.They are notified that they were removed from the home.At the top right, tap Remove member Leave home.If you’re the only member of the home, the home gets deleted, including home data such as video history footage and thermostat settings.You have to sign out of this account on this home’s Google TVs or in.

You no longer have access to Nest Aware features, including video history.If you set up a Nest Cam with your Nest Hub Max, the Nest Hub Max should also no longer be available.Įxceptions: Google Nest Wifi, Google Wifi, Assistant-enabled speakers and displays, and Chromecast devices should still be available to other home members even if you remove yourself from the home. Other members should no longer have access to the devices or services you set up, including Nest thermostats, alarms, locks or cameras.Other members continue to have access to the home.You no longer have access to the home and the devices and services associated with that home.